Robotics @ Penn GRASP
Deep Learning / Computer Vision Intern @ Kodiak Robotics

Email: jchunx@seas.upenn.edu
LinkedIn: Jason Xie
GitHub: JChunX
Resume: PDF

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Q: Show me a photo of Jason's Stable Diffusion Project.
Q: Tell me about a project where Jason used PyTorch.
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Hi, I'm Jason 🤠

I am a Robotics grad student at the University of Pennsylvania.

I am currently...

In Summer 2023, I interned at Kodiak Robotics and worked on deep learning & vision models for autonomous trucking.

Seeking full-time software engineering roles starting Summer 2024.


WebGPU Conditional Stable Diffusion - Fall 2023

webgpu diffusion

Technologies: WebGPU, JavaScript, tinygrad

🔗 Github

A first-ever implementation of ControlNet diffusion running locally in the browser. Re-wrote ControlNet using tinygrad and compiled to WebGPU. Optimized for performance through fp16 inference and compute pipeline overhead reduction.

CUDA Path Tracer - Fall 2023

Stanford Rabbit

Technologies: C++, CUDA, OpenGL

🔗 Github

A path tracer written in CUDA.

In this project, I take advantage of the massively parallel processing power of GPU to render photorealisitc images. The end result is a interactive path tracer featuring specular and diffuse shading, along with several optimizations to improve performance.

IsaacSim Gym environments for embodied agents.

Embodied AGI - Fall 2023, Ongoing

an embodied robotic agent

Technologies: PyTorch, Multi-Modal LLMs, Mujoco

We are interested in applying multi-modal foundation models towards the goal of general embodied autonomy. Rather than evaluating benchmarks in sim, we seek to validate our models in the real world using a mobile manipulator.


Motion planning, control, data logging, and visualization. Implemented communication protocols betwen robot and inference server in WebSockets.

Verify safety limits in sim (Mujoco), integrate components on real robot.

Implement baseline techniques and evaluate tasks on new methods.

Vulcan Grass Shader - Fall 2023

grass shader

Technologies: C++, Vulkan, GLSL

🔗 Github

A grass simulation in Vulkan.

This project implements the paper Responsive Real-Time Grass Rendering for General 3D Scenes, including Bezier curve grass blades, physical models for grass motion, and culling.

F1Tenth Autonomous Racing - Spring 2023

three f1tenth vehicles lined up side-by-side on the track

Technologies: Python, C++, ROS2, PyTorch, TensorRT, Drake

Goal: Don't crash and minimize laptime.

How: Implement a robust, safe, and fast autonomy stack on the NVIDIA Jetson edge computer.

What we did:

What we achieved:

Contrastive Reward Functions for Embodied Agents - Spring 2023

contrastive reward model

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, Ai2Thor, OpenAI CLIP

Leveraging the power of CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), we adapt CLIP embeddings to learn a dense reward function for embodied agents. Using a transformer-based architecture, the reward model learns to pair video frames and corresponding language instructions by minimizing the InfoNCE loss. We showcase the model's potential for fine-tuning sparse reward tasks by demonstrating its ability to return appropriate rewards in a variety of scenarios.

Neural-Inertial Odometry Sensor Fusion on the F1Tenth Platform - Spring 2023

visualization of local_inn sensor fusion

Technologies: PyTorch, TensorRT, Python

Improved the robustness of a normalizing-flow based lidar localization system (Local_INN) by fusing IMU accelerometer data with neural network odometry estimates using an Unscented Kalman Filter. Created a ROS2 package for the system as a drop-in replacement for the particle filter-based localization system used by the F1Tenth platform.

Quadruped MPC Gait Transitions - Fall 2022

quadruped mpc gait transitions gait transitions finite state machine

Technologies: Drake, Mujoco, Python, C++

We are interested in the problem of transitioning between two different gaits for a quadruped robot. Building upon an existing convex MPC method for gait planning, we extend it to handle gait transitions by planning over multiple potential next gait states.

Mini Minecraft - Summer 2022

panoramic view of mini minecraft game footage

Technologies: C++, OpenGL

Adventures in 3D computer graphics and multi-threaded C++ programming. A simple Minecraft clone implementing custom shaders, voxel terrain generation, chunk management, and rendering.

Prosthetic Leg Software - Spring 2022

expanded view of a prosthetic leg knee joint

Technologies: C++, Python, Tensorflow, ROS2, OpenCV, PyBullet

I led the software development at NCSU Pack Bionics, a student organization that designs and builds prosthetic legs for the Cybathlon Competition. Starting from scratch, I helped create the software stack for our prosthetic leg, including a Pybullet-ROS2 bridge for simulation, a vision-based gait planner, and an imitation learning based gait controller.


University of Pennsylvania (2022-2024)

MSE, Robotics

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2018-2022)

BS, Computer Science & Biomedical Engineering